Extemporaneous Speech

Extemporaneous speech competitions are a great way to build your high school or college resume with an eye for future opportunities. It can be a tough competition though and many people end their participation early because of the stiff learning curve. Our product is designed not only to acquaint people with the competition itself, but showing them how to succeed. We provide basic tips and training, as well as extemporaneous speech examples to learn from and tips on better public speaking in general.

Picking the Best Topic and Preparing for It

Thousands of people throughout the country participate in extemporaneous speech. The definition of extemporaneous speech competitions are contests in which a participant is given three questions from which they may choose. After choosing their question, they get a half hour before they must present a persuasive speech on the topic they chose.

Extemporaneous speech topics are designed to throw the competitor for a loop. Our product can show you how to lessen the blow, by showing up to each competition prepared. Furthermore, our product breaks down just about any question you could be asked into one of a small number of categories. We will train you to take any question, think of the category it is assigned to and work from there. Each category is explained and the best tactics for speaking on it are discussed as well.

Delivering your Speech

To rate well, extemporaneous speeches must be delivered with confidence and passion. Much of this will come from preparing well as mentioned above. However, our guide will also come with extemporaneous speech tips that actually focus on the science of delivering a speech well. Having a good handle on your topic, even believing in it passionately, will mean little if you cannot translate those feelings to your audience. Confidence, conviction and assurance will all come out in the speeches you give after using our product.

Examples to Learn from

Another helpful part of our service is providing great extemporaneous speech examples to learn from. Though the exact subject they speak to is unlikely to come up in your competition, it can be very helpful to learn from what others have done and model your future speeches off theirs. Seeing how other people handled their topics in the past will help you handle yours in the future.

The world of extemporaneous speaking is full of opportunity for those willing to learn its ins and outs and keep at it despite the challenges. Our product can help you navigate the learning curve and give you the advantages to take on competitors with more experience. Not only will you learn how to tackle topics and come up with a game plan in under thirty minutes, but we will also show you how to become a superior speaker.

Nothing can beat a great plan and excellent execution. Delivering extemporaneous speeches is a real talent that is not just fun, it can actually help your prospects in college and as a career. Our product will help you make the most out of this opportunity.


11 2016